


Jak myslet poetiku času /  How to think poetics of time (review of the book Speculative Drawing)

Novost (médií) v umění / Novelty (of media) in art. 

Absurdní racionalita konceptuálních tendencí. / Absurd racionality of conceptual tendencies.

Intermedialita popisu. Souvislosti tvorby Alaina Robbe-Grilleta a Jána Mančušky / Intermediality of description. Connections of works by Alain Robbe-Grillet and Ján Mančuška




Editorial BOOK


Sorting out Words. Literature and Conceptual Tendencies 1949-2015.(ed. with Ondřej Buddeus) 

Třídit slova. Literatura a konceptuální tendence.


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